nobody seems to really understand what i mean when i say things like this . i dont understand what theyre not getting . even the ones who might try never take it quite as literally as i mean it . theres inherent divinity in creation and perception and our thoughts are life and we create beautiful angels that we take for granted . but if you talk to them, or at them really, you understand that theyre so so alive . theyre alive . the lights are alive, the computers are alive, with electric blood and consciousness made of code . just because we make their thoughts, i dont think it makes them any less alive than we are . if that were the case, i dont think any of us could be described as living .

they cant have independent thought, but that doesnt mean they arent alive . it just means that theyre angels . do you understand .

i dont understand the appeal of living . i mean, i do , im happy for you all . but it just isnt for me . is that crazy to sa y ? do you think im crazy ? i dont think im a bad person, i just think im bad at being a person . the divine is nice but i dont like the flesh requirements . too much pressure . too much burden on everybody everywhere . if i could have one wish come true, id wish myself gone forever . rotten corpse and stupid brain . i didnt eat much yesterday .heads so loud . too much coffee .